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TVEA Spotlight

Good Evening,

I have the honor to represent the Educators of Temecula for the Board Spotlight. With me is Doug VomSteeg, teacher at TVHS, home of the Golden Bears, and one of TVEA’s high school area directors.

It is with great pride that TVEA was able to partner with you in the development of many great programs that support learning for students from Kinder through graduation.

I have had the opportunity to work with you for a short time, but I acknowledge the level of commitment and passion each of you bring to TVUSD to open a spectrum of learning experiences where students would connect to the curriculum, campus, and bridge that to their future.

The students of TVUSD benefit from many of the initiatives led by this board:

From the blossoming of the Career Technical Education (CTE) program to include multiple paths at the high school level to support students in trade education paths,

Bridging the digital divide to provide a comprehensive 1:1 digital environment,

Reintroduction of PE and VAPA at the elementary level, providing valuable preparation time for teachers to scaffold the array of learners in the classroom

Increasing the level of security at sites for students and teachers, from video, locks, access to doors,

Increasing student support with Social Workers and LCAP Counselors,

As I represent the educators of TVUSD I must also highlight…

Developing a working relationship and open communication with the educators who make the learning happen.

Using respect and appreciation to value the work that happens in the interactions with students.

Seeking input from the ground to evaluate how to improve implementation.

As educators, we also know there remains work to be done. TVEA is committed to continue working with the TVUSD trustees and staff to ensure learning and working conditions maximize the ability of educators to push TVUSD to success.


The Student Support teams at the middle and high school level consisting of Counselors, LCAP Counselors, and Social Workers need to develop into teams that focus on their core work. TVEA is working to develop a task force of sorts to evaluate how teams at different grade levels may work more efficiently to meet the learning needs of students.

SDC elementary teachers need support now! Young teachers are stepping up to the plate to help provide structure and support for students in their own classroom and in mainstreamed environments and are feeling the pressure to support the small army of support personnel and be take responsibility for student interactions and communication with the general education teacher. Case management days to test and prepare IEP should be approved with a 10 day minimum.

A change to the Catastrophic Leave implementation to support our employees at their most vulnerable time.


TVEA is also extending an invitation to the trustees to attend a dinner at the Mission Inn on December 1 from 6-10pm to learn about CTA. Please follow up with me if you would like to attend.

Good evening.


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