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TVEA Spotlight

Good evening,

I am pleased to bring you the TVEA spotlight tonight.

Four weeks into the school year members are in the groove of building relationships with students, identifying areas of growth, and sorting how curriculum is delivered for a third year. Adjusting to an all-digital delivery, and now working out a hybrid of hands on and digital formats is the struggle. (I do have to acknowledge that the full first week with students followed by Back to School Night was draining to many.)

All of the arrangements to adjust timing and lesson delivery do take time to research and plan. Educators consult with their job alike PLC groups for ideas. Then lesson experiences must be prepared, online delivery set up and hardcopies printed. The whole dance repeats the following week.

This year, we are acclimating to a new culture with early release Wednesdays. This block of time is valuable prep time in elementary with a combination of PLC collaboration time, it is also scarce. ELA and Math teachers have attended mandatory training, received agendas to discuss at PLC, and all now have Keenan trainings to complete on either PLC or personal time. There has to be a way to honor teachers efforts without competing for the scarce commodity of preparation and PLC time.

An unexpected surprise, is the change in the district’s print vendor. Print costs soared, and quality and reliability plummeted. Classroom teachers were sticker shocked and forced to reprioritize scarce classroom supply budgets. Items are returning misprinted and uncollated and late. It’s a real mess.

The Temecula Valley Educators Association has partnered with Bike Temecula Valley, whose mission is to advocate for safe biking routes in the Temecula Valley. Two recognizable organizing members are Gary Oddi and Dale Borgeson. We are also partnered in their first annual Cycle for Hope, a cycling event to address homelessness and hunger in our community. There will be three ride distances, 15, 25, and 50 miles through the city of Temecula and The Temecula Valley Wine Country. With the different rides it offers there is a course for everyone. The 15 mile ride is a great opportunity for a Family Ride that weekend! There is also a Special Student Discount!

The proceeds of the ride will benefit local partner Community Mission of Hope who has recently merged with Rancho Damacitas to create wrap around services. Between operating a pantry, providing shelter to single mothers and their children, counseling services to secure shelter, this volunteer organization is making an impact in the valley!

Come out to ride at Cycle for Hope or volunteer your time at Mission of Hope.


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