TVEA Grievance Committee
Our Grievance Committee assists members going through the Grievance process.

What is a Grievance
A grievance is a formal written allegation by one (1) or more unit members, or unit members as a group represented by the Association, or by the Association, that there has been a violation of the specific provisions of this Agreement. Actions to challenge or change the policies of the District as set forth in the rules and regulations or administrations regulations and procedures must be undertaken under separate legal processes.
What are the steps in a Grievance?
Level I - Problem Solving
Level II - Superintendent/Designee
Level III - Mediation
Level IV - Board of Education
Level V - Arbitration
Commonly Asked Questions
Who should I contact first if I have grievance questions?
You should contact the grievance committee member who represents your grade level:
Ashley Vella (CHS) for high school teachers
Kim De La Cruz (GMS) for middle school teachers
Michelle Conrad (PES) for elementary school teachers
Do I have to meet with my site administrator for Grievance Level 1?
Yes, this step is very important because it is the fastest way to resolve a contract violation.
Can I file a grievance if I have a problem with another teacher?
No. If you have a problem with another teacher, you must talk to your site administrator and ask them to help resolve your issue. A grievance is filed for contract violations made by administrators.
What are the deadlines for each grievance step?
Knowledge of grievance deadlines is essential because the district can reject a grievance for not being “timely.” Any reference to “days” relates to school business days.
Grievance Level 1 (Problem Solving): You only have twenty (20) days from the date of the most recent contract violation to make a Grievance Level I problem solving appointment with your site administrator.
Grievance Level 2 (Superintendent/Designee): In the event the grievance is not resolved at Level I, you may appeal grievance to Level II within the twenty (20) day time limitation. The Superintendent/Designee only has ten (10) days to respond.
Grievance Level 3 (Mediation): If the Superintendent/Designee rejects your Grievance Level II remedy, you only have within ten (10) days after receipt of the decision to complete the Grievance Level III form and submit it to HRD. The Superintendent/Designee shall request the services of a mediator within five (5) days. If the grievance is not resolved after the final mediation meeting, the grievant has ten (10) days to file the grievance at Level IV.
Grievance Level 4 (Board of Education): The grievant may present his/her case to the Board of Education at the next regularly scheduled meeting. After the school board meeting, the school board usually votes and makes a decision in closed session. Within twenty (20) days after the hearing, the Board will render a decision in writing.
Grievance Level 5 (Arbitration): If the school board rejects your grievance, you only have ten (10) days to request arbitration to TVEA. The association then has fifteen (15) days to decide on whether to proceed to arbitration.
Where can I find the grievance forms in the contract?
In the current contract appendix or below.
At what step can a Mediator be present?
If the Superintendent/Designee rejects your Grievance Level 2, the request of a mediator will be made through the State Mediation and Conciliation Services
Do I have to attend a closed session school board meeting?
Yes, you must attend the board meeting and present your grievance at Level 4.
Do I pay for arbitration?
No, TVEA will pay for the cost of arbitration if they decide to proceed to arbitration on your behalf.
How do I know if my grievance will be arbitrated?
Within 15 days of requesting arbitration to TVEA, the TVEA Executive Board will make a determination based on the information in your grievance.
Committee Members
Kim De La Cruz, GMS - Chair
Amber Kott, RHES
Michelle Stevens, AES
Michelle Conrad, PES
Ashley Vella, CHS
Please contact the Grievance Committee via their email tveagrievance@gmail.com
Issue? Problem? or Grievance?
2010 - present
2010 - present