TVEA Elections Committee
The Elections Committees ensures the election process is conducted in a manner that voters and candidates alike can be assured that reasonable rules of ethical conduct and procedures have been adopted, and are followed both in spirit and practice. They oversee the entire elections process from announcing elections through the announcement of election results.
The elections committee has a chair and members who are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Executive Board at the beginning of each year. Executive Board members are not permitted to serve on the Elections Committee, per CTA guidelines.
The vested elections committee members are solely responsible for the counting and reporting of votes and results. Other members may volunteer to prepare election materials. TVEA is pleased to have an elections committee filled to capacity and representation from all instructional levels.
Want to make a difference? Become one of the twelve members charged with providing direction for the association to best serve its 1350 members.
The following Executive Board positions are open for a two-year term beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2021:
Treasurer, Elementary Area Representative, Middle School Area Representative and High School Area Representative.
Also, there will be one State Council position open for a three-year term beginning July 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2022.
March 11: Announcement of Election
March 22: Declaration of Candidacy deadline, due no later than 4pm at TVEA office
April 8: Announce Candidates
April 8-19: Candidate campaigning
April 18: Candidates may address Leadership Council
April 22- 25: Balloting for members online
April 26: Election Committee counts ballots. All candidates notified by phone or e-mail of election results
April 29: Site Leaders post election results at site
May 3: Last day to contest election results at the TVUSD Office (postmarked date not accepted)
Note: The following timelines apply on an as needed basis:
May 6-9: Balloting for members online
May 10: Election Committee counts ballots. All candidates notified by phone of run-off election results
May 14: Site Leaders post run-off results at site
May 17: Last day to contest run-off results, at the TVUSD Office (postmarked date not accepted)
Please contact the TVEA office if you have any questions regarding elections or the open positions.
Executive Board Declaration of Candidacy Form
State Council Declaration of Candidacy Form
Commitee Members
Chris Jones, VHES, Co-Chair
Traci Pawlak, VHES Co-Chair
Judy Stickel, MMS
Nancy Young, CHS
Kim Daley, AES
Contact your Elections Committee at
Election Documents
TVEA Election Bylaws
CTA Requirements for Chapter Election Procedures for TVEA Elections
EB Declaration of Candidacy Form
SC Declaration of Candidacy Form
2010 - present
2010 - present