TVEA Committees
The key to the success of TVEA lies in the ability to involve our members in the ongoing operations of the Association. This begins with our committees. There are two types of committees:
Standing – Permanent in nature, responsible for ongoing work or responsibilities.
Ad hoc – when a small group is needed to carry out a specific short-term function.
As a member of TVEA we want to encourage you to become involved in one of our committees according to your interest level. Each committee has a chair. These committees are a part of our Executive Board. The chair occasionally gives reports to the Leadership Council.
Standing Committees Printable Commitee Roster
This Committee is a collaboration of TVEA and TVUSD employees work together in an effort to reach consensus regarding recommendations for compensation to the TVEA/District negotiations teams. In order to achieve this goal, the Committee collaboratively analyzes the budget.
The Elections Committee ensures the election process is conducted in a manner that voters and candidates alike can be assured that reasonable rules of ethical conduct and procedures have been adopted, and are followed both in spirit and practice. They oversee the entire elections process from announcing elections through the announcement of election results. The elections committee is chaired by 2 members and has at least three members who are not on the Executive Board, who are familiar with the unit operations, and who are not seeking election.
Our Grievance Committee provides representation to assist all members of the bargaining unit in processing grievances. The committee advises members in the grievance processing, they provide grievance forms, resources, and maintain records for the association. The Grievance Committee consists of a chair and three (3) members (representing elementary, middle, and secondary levels when possible)
Our Bargaining Team negotiates the contract between TVEA and TVUSD. THis team is empowered to reach tentative agreements but must be ratified by our membership. This committee acts under the direction of the Executive Board and reports back to them as needed. The Bargaining Team is composed of at least six (6) members. At least one (1) person from each of the three (3) instructional levels: elementary, middle, and high school are appointed to the bargaining team.
Insurance Advisory
Chair - Lynn Breen
Contact your IAC Team
Visit our Insurance Advisory Committee Page
The Insurance Advisory Committee researches available options and costs to maximize plan benefits and minimize premium costs to certificated member participants. The Committee consists of five TVEA members appointed by the TVEA executive board. The District provides the IAC with relevant data concerning the health and welfare costs and plan expenses. The Committee meets throughout the year. It solicits proposals and estimates and studies costs of providing insurance coverage to certificated employees and makes recommendations to the TVEA executive board.
The Local Accountability Plan (LCAP) Advisory committes helps to developing our LCAP. The LCAP is a critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Each school district must engage parents, educators, employees and the community to establish these plans. The plans will describe the school district’s overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals. The LCAPs must focus on eight areas identified as state priorities. The plans will also demonstrate how the district’s budget will help achieve the goals, and assess each year how well the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.
Our IPD Committee provides members with the opportunities for continuous study and development in the areas of instruction, classroom management, curriculum, wellness and issues affecting the education professional.
The Member Recognition Committee honors our members, oustanding leaders and administrators. They look for opportunities to build social connections within TVEA by hosting social hours and open houses. This team also supports and recognizes our members during positive as well as difficult times.
Political Action
Chair - Derek Heid
Contact our Political Action Committee
The Political Action Committee is responsible for informing members of legislation, voting records, and positions of legislators, candidates and school board trustess that may affect the members’ classroom, working conditions, rights, and benefits. They serve as a voluntary funding structure through which the Temecula Valley Educators Association may give direct and indirect financial contributions to support or oppose State and local candidates for office and State and local issues including ballot measures. They also oversee the process of TVEA's involvement in supporting the running of a School Board Candidate.
The goal of the TVEA Special Education Steering committee (SSC) is to support all special education team members by providing support and training, fostering communication regarding Special Education problems and solutions, and involving and informing members regarding legal compliance, contract issues and designated bargaining goals.
Our Organizing Committee facilitates member awareness and knowledge on critical issues facing TVEA as an association. They mobilize membership and promote participation utilizing various modes of communication. They Connect TVEA with local media and fellow stakeholder groups and promote TVEA in a positive light within the community.
It is the purpose of TVEA’s Equity and Human Rights Committee to support our stakeholders, provide resources to promote equity, and to engage the community as partners in learning in order to elevate success for ALL. We will act to engage our community, offer support and problem solve in matters of equity and human rights, promote diversity and engagement in equitable practices in all learning spaces, and provide an authentic voice for ALL stakeholders.